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natural tea towels
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I'd like to thank whoever invented starters and pre-drinking. Eating before eating and drinking before drinking is absolute genius.
I keep hearing it takes a village to raise a child. Do they just show up? Or is there like, a number to call?
Don't ever let a recipe tell you how many chocolate chips to use. You measure that shit with your heart.
Does anyone know which page of the Bible explains how to turn water into wine? Asking for a friend.
If Target had a bar, my life would be perfect.
part of me says I should stop drinking like this, but the other part of me says don't listen to her she's drunk
they should put more wine in a bottle so there's enough for two people
I'm outdoorsy in that I like drinking on patios.
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It's not hoarding if it's books 1000 piece soft touch Jigsaw Puzzle
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If cats could text you back, they wouldn't 1000 piece soft touch Jigsaw Puzzle
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The adult version of head, shoulders, knees, and toes, is the wallet, glasses, keys, and phone - 1000 piece soft touch Jigsaw Puzzle
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Love it when my pet sighs - furry little freeloader. 1000 piece soft touch Jigsaw Puzzle
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Thank you craft beer breweries, for making my drinking problem seem like a neat hobby - 1000 piece soft touch Jigsaw Puzzle
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They should put more wine in a bottle so there's enough for two people - 1000 piece soft touch Jigsaw Puzzle
cocktail napkins
Part of me says, "I should stop drinking like this." But the other part of me says, "Don't listen to her, she's drunk." Cocktail Napkins
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I hate it when people ask me what I like to do for fun, because there's no classy way to say, "Day Drink."
Does anyone know which page of the bible explains how to turn water into wine? Asking for a friend. Cocktail Napkins
Not only do I dance like nobody is watching but I also drink as if I don't have to work in the morning. Cocktail Napkins
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This one time, I called the cops on my own party because I was ready to go to bed Cocktail napkins
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If you ask me if I want a drink and I say, "No", please ask me again. I was just shy the first time.
sticky notes
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I understand being a responsible adult, but like, every day? Doesn't that seem a little excessive? | 100 sheet sticky note pad
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It's always, "How's work?" and never, "Quit and I'll support you." | 100 sheet sticky note pad
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Would anyone like to buy my college degree? It's in great condition. Never been used. | 100 sheet sticky note pad
After I say, "That's crazy" twice, please wrap up your story. 100 sheet sticky note pad
Sold Out
I'm fairly certain I seized the wrong day 100 sheet sticky note pad
My husband just said, "calm down" like he wants his own Dateline special 100 sheet sticky note pad
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Life is better with Grandma onesie
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Newbae onesie
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Once in awhile something great comes along, and here I am. | onesie
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I'm always getting picked up by the ladies onesie
Ladies, Please. One at a time funny onesie
This actually is my first rodeo funny baby onesie
I'm not allowed to date. Ever. Funny baby onesie
I'll take a bottle of the house white onesie
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magnetic list pads
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Well, well, well. If it isn't me writing all the things from last week's to-do list onto this week's to-do list. | list pad
There's just not enough hours in the day for all the stuff I'm not going to do list pad
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I don't always have time to clean the house. But when I do, I don't. | list pad
I love highlighters, planners, to-do lists, and anything else that gives the illusion that I've got my life together list pad
I'm never sure if I actually have free time, or if I just keep forgetting shit list pad
Groceries & shit wine list pad
I'm stuck somewhere between: "I need to save money" and "You only live once" list pad
Adulthood is saying, "After this week, things will slow down a bit." over and over again until you die list pad
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Introverted but willing to discuss cats. vinyl stickers
It's not hoarding if it's books. vinyl stickers
My favorite people are dogs vinyl sticker
I thought I liked coffee. Turns out I like creamer. vinyl sticker
Body Type: Clearly not one to turn down a taco. vinyl stickers
In a world full of Karens, be a Mary Jane vinyl sticker
If cats could text you back they wouldn't vinyl stickers
After 35, there's just no good way to get out of a pool float with your dignity intact. vinyl stickers
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zipper pouches
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My husband said he can drop us off at Sunday brunch if yours can pick us up. | zipper pouch
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I cannot wait until I can afford myself, because I haven't even tapped into how expensive I truly desire to be.
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I identify as late. My pronouns are just left/almost there. | zipper pouch
The adult version of "Head, shoulders, knees and toes zipper pouch
I'd rather arrive late than ugly zipper pouch
I'm stuck somewhere between I need to save money and you only live once zipper pouch
I hate it when I put something in a 'safe place' and basically lose it forever zipper pouch
I used to be cool, now I'm a tiny person's snack bitch zipper pouch
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Swedish Dishcloths
I keep hearing it takes a village to raise a child. Do they just show up? Or is there like, a number to call? Swedish dishcloth
Did you know that you use 17 muscles when opening a bottle of wine? Fitness is my passion. Swedish dishcloth
The dishes are looking at me dirty again. Swedish dishcloth
When life gives you lemons, find someone whose life gave them vodka, and make lemon drops. And then invite me over. Swedish dishcloth
I wouldn't do anything for a Klondike Bar, but I'd do some pretty sketchy stuff for tacos Swedish dishcloth
I just got excited about a new scent of dish soap. Nobody warned me that adulthood was going to be such a nonstop thrill ride Swedish dishcloth
Sometimes I feel like I should be contributing more to society. Swedish dishcloth
I see all these moms who can do everything and I think, I should have them do some stuff for me. Swedish dishcloth
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everyday bags
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I understand being a responsible adult, but like, every day? Doesn't that seem a little excessive?
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My favorite colors are black, dark black, pitch black, pastel black, light black, and faded black - Everyday bag
Happy girls are the prettiest girls - Audrey Hepburn - Everyday bag
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My problem is that I always think I can get ready in 15 minutes, when I have repeatedly proven that I can't - Everyday bag
My cat walks downstairs in front of me like he's the beneficiary of my life insurance policy - Everyday bag
Parenting hack: There are no hacks, everything is hard, these kids don't listen. This is your life now. Godspeed. Everyday bag
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white tea towels
Behind every great man is the drawer I need to get into - white funny kitchen towel
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I said I wasn't going to drink today, but then I went for a walk and saw a woman drinking a glass of wine through her living room window and thought oh well if she's having one - white funny kitchen towel
I always compare my husband to Bradley Cooper. I tell him you're nothing like Bradley Cooper - white funny kitchen towel
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Sometimes I just have to turn off the news and put on a serial killer documentary so I can relax - white funny kitchen towel
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My birthstone is a block of cheese - white funny kitchen towel
Procrastination is a good thing, you always have something to do tomorrow, plus you have nothing to do today - white kitchen tea towel
Don't let them treat you like free chips and salsa. You're guac baby, guac - white kitchen tea towel
Stove for display only - white kitchen tea towel
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Pareting Hack: There are no hacks. Everything is hard. These kids don't listen. This is your life now. Godspeed 100% soy wax candles
Santa should totally publish the naughty list. What a great way to meet people 100% soy wax candles
Adulthood is saying "After this week, things will slow down a bit." Over and over again until you die 100% soy wax candles
I keep hearing it takes a village to raise a child. Do they just show up? Or is there like, a number to call? 100% soy wax candles
I love it when I get home from work and my dog runs at me like we're finally going to nail that scene from dirty dancing 100% soy wax candles
They should put more wine in a bottle. So there's enough for two people 100% soy wax candles
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas. But if the white runs out, I'll drink the red 100% soy wax candles
I'm pretty sure being friends with you is bad for my liver 100% soy wax candles
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